Summary of the South Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church

Down to Business:

Petitions to the General Conference. Delegates debated a petition to ask General Conference to amend the language of Paragraph 161F of the Book of Discipline.  This petition asked to remove a sentence that says, "Homosexuality is incompatible with Christian teaching." The petition failed by a 705-519 vote.  In addition, the Committee on Petitions recommended non concurrence on a petition asking the UMC to withdraw from the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice (RCRC).  Non-concurrence was approved by s 671-541 vote.

The Conference approved an Anti-Bullying Resolution by a 997-180 vote. This resolution calls on congregations across South Carolina to actively oppose bullying.



Sunday : The offering received during the service went to the Burdine Lodge Restoration Project, an effort to restore and preserve an 18th century log home in which Francis Asbury stayed and in which a Methodist Society was organized. For more information on the Burdine Lodge Restoration click here.

Donated: $7,530

Monday : The offering received during the service was designated for the Seminary Student Scholarship Fund, an endowment which provides scholarship awards to South Carolina students attending United Methodists seminaries.

Donated: $11,233

Tuesday : Throughout the day, Conference attendees and visitors worked to package more than 275,000 meals for Stop Hunger Now.  The offering during the evening worship service went to support this project. Download "Come to the Table" by Dr. Paul Harmon to help support the Stop Hunger Now campaign. 

Donated: $19, 204

Wednesday: The African University Choir presented and evening concert for delegates.  The offering received during the service was a love offering to support the African University Choir in travels and expenses to spread their music. Order CD's of the African University Choir music to help support their endeavors to spread music.  To see their upcoming events click here.

Donated: $5,062

Thursday: Imagine No Malaria :Rev. Jeri Katherine Warden Sipes presented a $1 million challenge to the South Carolina Annual Conference.  In the next year, the Conference has a goal of raising the funds to help end malaria worldwide.  The offering received during the service helped jump start this project and begin the campaign to stop malaria.  Listen to Jennifer's story of her experience with malaria.

Donated: $16,026

Total offerings over the course of the conference: $ 59,055


Click for a list of Delegates elected in the 2015 Conference. 

Easter Sunrise Service

Easter Sunrise Service has been a tradition at Van Wyck United Methodist Church.  Every year we celebrate Christ's resurrection with a special service and church breakfast.  This year was no different.  The sunrise service began at 7:30 for the members of the Van Wyck Methodist Church and the Fort Lawn Methodist Church at the Van Wyck Sanctuary.  Afterward breakfast followed for any who wished to stay. 

Lighting of the Way 2014

Lighting of the Way is an annual event within the Van Wyck community.  Each year at Christmas the Van Wyck Presbyterian Church, the Van Wyck United Methodist Church, the Trinity Presbyterian Church and the White Oak A.M.E Zion Church join together to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.  The event starts with a short prayer at the Van Wyck Post Office and the participants walk up the hill lighting the way to the various churches.  Each church host a short service and then cookies and drinks are provided at the community center after the last church. 

The Candles continue to be lit all through the Christmas season lighting the way for Jesus Christ.

We would like to thank all of the participants in this years Lighting of the Way service.  A special thanks to Reverend Karen Richmond and Kip Awbrey who played Dulcimers along with Donny Hicks on bass guitar.  And a very special thanks to Wanda Barnes for her outstanding performance of "Sweet Little Jesus Boy." 

We are very proud of all of this years participants from all of the churches and wish everyone a very merry Christmas.


More information on the Chrismon kits provided at this years service, information on the history of the Chrismon and Chrismon patterns is available HERE


Gathering at the Post Office as the Lighting of the Way.

Choir at Van Wyck Presbyterian

Faith Dancers performing at Van Wyck A.M.E. Zion Church

Participants walking the first stretch from the Van Wyck Post Office to the Van Wyck Presbyterian Church.

Reverend Karen speaking about Chrismons